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The important piece of all this is that these these are all people without a technical background.

They come from careers where software was not a large part of their job. The need for learning software from a more human focused vantage point is clear.

It is likely that college will persist as the place to learn deeply technical things and bootcamps will be the place to dip your toes in the water.

Everything about computers that exists today was created by humans. It’s all a product of our imaginations and hard work. We have the tools for anyone to learn it.

The path to becoming a programmer is simple. You start at a point on the spectrum where you feel most comfortable and you work your way towards the middle.

The path to becoming a programmer is simple. You start at a point on the spectrum where you feel most comfortable and you work your way towards the middle. The middle ground is a place where people are equally comfortable with people and computers. It’s the future we’ve dreamed about where most people are able to write their own software to solve their problems.

If you start on the deeply technical side of the spectrum, you’ll be best served by figuring out how to apply your technical skills to solve human problems. All the hard work and innovative software you create can be used by thousands of people to solve their problems in unique ways.

If you start on the human side, learning technical skills and programming will give you a tremendous advantage in solving those human problems you work on every day. Maybe that nagging issue you can’t seem to fix is solvable by writing your own tool to improve communication.

The important thing to realize is that there’s no one way to start and no one direction to go. If there were, everyone would be doing this and it would be easy. But you should keep trying because coding is one of the most valuable and creative things you could ever do. You can literally build things out of thin air that don’t exist yet.

And one day you’ll step back from the computer and realize you finally get it. There’s no feeling like it. As Neil Gaiman says, “Perfection is like chasing the horizon. Keep moving.”

As you move up the chain, you can see things shift more towards humans.

Assembly is introduced to make the 1s and 0s more memorable for us.

C is designed to be an easier level than assembly but you still have to heavily think about how the internals of a computer works.

C++ begins to introduce some human concepts into the language so we can represent ideas better in code.

Java builds upon the ideas of C++ but abstracts away the internals of the computer as best it can. You don’t need to care about how things inside your computer like RAM is used as much.

Python takes another step towards humans and focuses on a syntax that’s more readable for humans but still has a lot of the structure inside it.

Ruby is focused on flexibility. They want your code to be like writing a story or a poem. Sure, you still have to worry about how the computer works was somewhat, but even less so than Python.








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If you are planning for Java certification, here is a Java certification path for you to give the best shot at the right time. For top organizations, certification is taken as the proof of knowledge that showcases your skills to the outer world.

Oracle is the most desirable certification and usually preferred by software developers around the world. This would not be saying wrong that Java certification keeps you ahead of the crowd when you apply for Java jobs in the technical marketplace.

First of all, you need to be sure on latest Java version. Java 9 is the most recent version that completely focuses on the modularization concept to speed up overall execution and implementation time.

The best idea is to start with Java SE 9 certification that covers all basic concepts of Java and OOPs. You would get complete details of the certification on the Oracle site with examples and topics included in the certification.

To get the certification, you need to understand each and every concept of Java deeply. Once you are sure on the basics, then you can opt for advance certification too, like Java EE certification and many others.

Yes, it sounds little difficult, but you need to understand each concept well about the latest version. Every new release has some surprises and improvements that are made public for the developers and end-users. You have to be sure that all the concepts are learned well before you attempt for the certification.

This is true that you could improve your overall knowledge base with the Java certification. Every minute you spend in learning Java is worthwhile. This is true that certification demands thinking on the concept deeply. You just don’t have to look at the concept in brief as you were doing earlier. I am sure you would learn just amazing programming techniques that are actually interesting and workable in the real world. Also, you would be familiar with the latest Java version and the significant improvements made with the recent version.


Apart from that keep coding, coding, and coding! Whatever you see in your daily life, you just try to automate the concept through Java programs. For example- if you want to manage your daily expenses well then write your own Java app to automate the things. Remember, Programming is not about learning the existing things only, but it is all about “REINVENT THINKING”.

So, just keep moving and start coding your way to excellence.


Java training in chennai

Core java training in chennai



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Here is my list of some practical tips for any Oracle Java certification aspirants. These tips are based on my own experience and what I have heard from many readers on my blog and all over internet

Write Code Daily
One of the best way to prepare for Java certification is to write code daily. Try to code the questions and examples given in the book and see if answer matches with the output of the program. This will not only develop software personality But also improving your  code reading ability  which is very important to solve Java Puzzles from actual exams.

You can also experiment with your code to see how one small change can totally change the output of the program. If you just do exercise without coding, you That will not learn much. That's like students mug concepts in schools. Don't do that, it may not result in the desired outcome if there is even the slightest change in the actual exam.

Solve Practice questions from Book
You should first try to solve the practice questions, quizzes, fill in the blanks and other exercises given in your book and always solve them honestly ie know everything about them. For example, once you are done with one question, you should know what is Expected, why the correct answer is right and why all other answers are incorrect. If you solve questions like this in your learning phase, you will learn a lot more concepts by just solving a single question. This is IMHO, the right way to use The exercise and practice questions.

Participate in CodeRanch Forum
You need an environment to boost your preparation and there is no better place to get that environment than  http://coderanch.com/. It was earlier known as Javaranch forum and it is certainly the best place to hang out if you are preparing for Java certifications.

The CodeRanch form has got the biggest and most active community of Java developers preparing for various Java certifications like OCAJP, OCPJP, Java Web Developer Exam, Java Web Service exam, and even Java Architect level exam. Even several famous book authors like Kathy Sierra and Mala Gupta hangs around there.

By participating on this forum, you will not only be up-to-date with any Change happening on the syllabus but also other news about the exam. They even have dedicated forum for different Oracle Java certification eg separate forum for  OCAJP  and  OCPJP  exams are the best place if you are preparing for them.

You can not only use this forum to get help but also help others revise your knowledge, this will also help you to clear out any misconception you might have. By hanging out, you will also learn about several  free mock exam and other Java certification Resources by various participants.

Do Mock Exams
Java Certification preparing is virtually incomplete without taking a couple of mock exams. They are the most important part of your preparation because by giving mock exam in the actual exam like environments you gauge your speed, accuracy, and endurance. You also get familiar with the actual pattern and how to deal with both touch and easy questions.

I also suggest to only use quality mock exams from Whizlabs or Java8Certification and spend a lot of time on analyzing each question, even wrong choices to figure out why they are wrong. You can use them as your final learning tool.

Btw, Don't rush through all exams in quick time. Given one of them, record your score to gauge speed and accuracy and go through all the questions again, particularly the ones which you did wrong. Don't give next exam, unless you are comfortable with the topics you haven't done well on the first try. If you are doing it right then you will gradually see your speed and accuracy increasing.


java training in chennai 

java official


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